Fall Detox: Electronics

detox electronics

“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.”―Anne Lamott Taking a Break from Electronics… “Digital Detox” It can be beneficial to take a break from anything we do regularly or habitually. The benefits of “unplugging” from our routine use of electronic devices for a determined period of time … Continue reading

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Fall Detox: Spirulina

fall detox spirulina

Spirulina Chlorophyll is found in green plants and algae. It is what makes them green and allows them to capture sunlight to make energy for the plant. Structurally, it is very similar to the heme in hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein that carries oxygen on your red blood cells. The only structural difference between hemoglobin … Continue reading

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Fall Detox: Deep Breathing

detox deep breathing

The Vagus Nerve and Stress Did you know that when you find yourself freaking out, that your vagus nerve can be your best friend? It’s the major nerve that runs along our spine in our chest and abdomen, and stimulating it can kick-start our parasympathetic nervous system and help us relax. When life stressors trigger … Continue reading

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Fall Detox: Clean Air

detox clean air

Did you know that you take more than 17,000 breaths each day?! Your lungs have an incredibly large surface area (second only to the gut), they are in constant contact with the outside world (outside your body, that is!), and they are incredibly absorptive. The quality of the air you breathe matters. It probably seems … Continue reading

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Fall Detox: Beets

detox beets

Seasonal transitions often inspire me to nourish myself. Especially the transitions from winter to spring and summer to fall. One way I like to nourish myself is by making sure that my body is optimally supported in detox and my environment is clean. Spring cleaning of our homes and our bodies is probably a familiar … Continue reading

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Shopping for Healing Foods on a Budget

healthy food budget

“Well, I guess shopping at Costco is out!” commented the mother of a teenage patient after I presented the anti-inflammatory diet that would lay the foundations for a plan to help heal her daughter’s severe cystic acne. I honestly had not shopped at a warehouse-type store in many years and so I assumed she was … Continue reading

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Scleroderma: Nutrition & Therapeutic Diets are Powerful Treatments

scleroderma therapeutic diet

We are lucky to live in a time when the power and importance of nutrition is becoming widely known and accepted. I believe that virtually any condition can be improved by nurturing your body with the right foods, and scleroderma is no exception. I’m going to share a patient’s dramatic story to illustrate this. My … Continue reading

Posted in Autoimmune, Leaky Gut, Natural Medicine, Nutrition | Tagged , , , , | 10 Comments

7 Misconceptions about Healthy Eating

Misconceptions Healthy Eating

Every patient that steps into my office gets asked about what they eat. New patient paperwork includes a section asking what is typically eaten for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. I also ask whether or not she is satisfied with her current diet. It’s easy to make suggestions when someone’s eating a typical Standard American … Continue reading

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The 257 Names for Sugar

sugar names

There are quite a number of reasons that I may suggest patients dramatically reduce or even eliminate their intake of sugar. They may be following my Anti-Inflammatory Paleo Diet; they’re in the process of detoxing from mold, yeast overgrowth, or fungal infection; they’re looking for relief from symptoms of Leaky Gut; their thyroid, adrenals, and/or … Continue reading

Posted in Autoimmune, Detox, immune, Leaky Gut, Natural Medicine, Nutrition, Thyroid | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Leaky Gut: How to Fix It

Fix Leaky Gut Naturopathic Doctor Denver Colorado

First and foremost, start with my blogs on How to Prevent Leaky Gut, Leaky Gut Basics, and The 9 Causes of Leaky Gut.  You won’t be able to heal your gut until you find out and remove the cause.  In order for your gut to heal, you will most likely need to uncover any food … Continue reading

Posted in Autoimmune, Detox, immune, Infection, Leaky Gut, Natural Medicine, Nutrition | Tagged , , | 5 Comments