Tag Archives: Nonautoimmune Hypothyroidism Denver Colorado

The Thyroid Part 7 – Nutrition for Thyroid Health

I hope you’ve been learning a lot of new information about the importance of the thyroid and thyroid health through this series of blogs. We’ve gone over the basics, talked about optimal blood tests to determine the health of the thyroid gland, discussed when medication is necessary long-term versus short-term, how non-autoimmune  hypothyroidism differs from … Continue reading

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The Thyroid Part 4 – Non-Autoimmune Hypothyroidism: When the Thyroid is Actually the Cause of Symptoms of Thyroid Disease

From the previous blog posts in this series (The Basics and Do I Have to Stay on Thyroid Medication for My Whole Life?), you can see that I’ve said over and over that symptoms of thyroid disease are rarely what needs to be treated. I’ve used the analogy of a fire (underlying problem) and a … Continue reading

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