Nutritional Physical & Organ System Analysis (NPOSA)

A Nutritional Physical and Organ System Analysis involves all of the components of a standard physical (minus the sensitive male and female exams!) as well some special functional assessments and nutritional observations only offered by a Naturopath Doctor. Dr. Erika Enos is a registered Naturopathic Doctor in the state of Colorado.

What to expect for the Nutritional Physical…

Nutritional Physical

Prior to the NPOSA appointment, you will fill out a 10-minute questionnaire and complete an optional 3-7 day food diary to put the findings of the Nutritional Physical in context. The NPOSA will help highlight where your body needs some extra attention to prevent chronic disease and future issues. Your digestive system, adrenals, thyroid, kidney, bladder, cardiovascular system, and immune system will be considered. The NPOSA can also help highlight vitamin, mineral, and essential fatty acid (EFA) needs, as well as your system’s ability to handle sugar.

You will leave the office with a synopsis of the findings, suggestions for any dietary and lifestyle changes, recommendations for further testing you might want to consider, and any appropriate supplement or remedy suggestions. The emphasis will be on food and habits rather than on supplements. If any medicinary items I carry in office are suggested during the visit, you will receive a 10% discount on what you purchase the same day.

You can book the NPOSA here and you will need to submit the questionnaire at least 24 hours in advance so I can evaluate it. The physical and review of findings will last about an hour.